Personalized Support

Author: Fenton, Collins & You LLC
The Tax Trio

We are able to look at the whole picture and determine the best alternatives for certain tax positions. Then explains these positions to benefit you in the future. There are lots of online tax preparation services to choose from. However, how do you know that you prepared it correctly? That you’ve given yourself the correct deductions? That you have all of your tax documents? We do!! We will help you to ensure (re-word, don’t want to repeat the first page) that you have all the tax deductions allowed on your return. If something is missing or has been reported incorrectly, we’ll catch it and help make the changes necessary. Let us help you!

We are able to look at the complete tax picture and determine the best advantages for current and future benefits. There are many online tax preparation services to choose from. However, how do you know that you have prepared it correctly? That you’ve given yourself the correct deductions? That you have accurately submitted all of your tax documents? We do!! We know where all the numbers should appear on which forms. We will help to ensure that you have all the tax deductions allowed on your return. If something is missing or has been reported incorrectly, we’ll catch it and help make the changes necessary. Let us help you!